• Financial sector

    Helping stay efficient during times of uncertainty

    Domestic financial and foreign exchange markets have staged remarkable resistance to the augmenting pressure of sanctions and continue to develop.

    The leasing market is in the process of radical transformation: lessors are switching to brands of friendly countries. A strong additional impetus has been given to further development of partnerships with Russian manufacturers.

    The Bank of Russia plans to boost growth of the insurance market by introducing complex products that are new to Russia.

    One of the Bank of Russia’s strategic objectives is a fast-paced digitalisation of the financial sector. The launch of new technologies and support of innovations in this area contribute to availability of financial instruments for people and businesses.

    Priorities of the Russian financial sector


    • Ensuring financial stability
    • Transformation of the foreign trade payment and settlement system
    • Achieving technological independence and information security: digitalisation based on domestic software (including development and implementation of SupTech and RegTech solutions), development of payment infrastructure


    • Participation in financing economic transformation and further economic development
    • Protection of rights of financial services customers and investors
    • Increasing the availability of financial services for people and businesses
    • Expanding the role of the financial market in sustainable development and ESG transformation of Russian business