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Unicon inform about recent changes in Russian VAT rules applicable to foreign (non-Russian) providers of electronic services.
/en/insights/publication/Changes_in_Russian_VAT_rules/Tax, legal and financial advisory services for your business in Russia
/en/insights/publication/Strong-strategies-Profitable-prospects/Federal Law No. 236-FZ “On the Activities of Foreign Persons on the Internet Information and Telecommunication Network in the Territory of the Russian Federation” of 1 July 2021 (hereinafter - Law) regulates foreign persons’ operations...
/en/insights/publication/Overview_of_the_Federal_Law_No_236_FZ/Financier Worldwide canvasses the opinions of leading professionals around the world on the latest trends in corporate fraud & corruption.
/en/insights/publication/Corporate_Fraud_Corruption_2021_Russia/COVID 19’s impact on the environment has been mixed. Although the pandemic resulted in improved environmental conditions, there have been other negative effects, some of which are obvious, others less so.
/en/insights/publication/How_does_covid-19_impact_the_environment/How business leaders in the Americas are turning crisis into opportunity.
/en/insights/publication/bdo_americas_survey_2020/Across the globe, tax leaders face a moment of unprecedented change and transition, as they respond to pressures both internal and external to the business.
/en/insights/publication/global-tax-outlook-2020-the-changing-face-of-tax/In conjunction with the G20, the OECD developed the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) as a global standard for the automatic exchange of information.
/en/insights/publication/tax-transparency-the-global-reporting-stand/Procedure for restricting access to content published on the Internet and in software applications