• Comprehensive financial position assessment

    Voluntary Audit

    Even if the financial statements of your company are not subject to statutory audit, it is useful for the management and owners to obtain a qualified and independent professional judgment on the financial position of the entity, and on the quality of the financial statements preparation, including a brief overview of the internal controls’ effectiveness. Come to Unicon specialists who are ready to perform a voluntary audit for the benefit of your business!

    We perform voluntary audit of financial statements prepared in accordance with Russian Accounting Standards (RAS), and audit of IFRS financial statements (including initiative audit by the company or its shareholders). An audit can be carried out in compliance with Federal Audit Rules (Standards) or the International Standards on Auditing (ISA). An audit report prepared in accordance with ISA is an internationally accepted document and its language is familiar and clear to international banks, investors and other users not familiarized with the Russian audit and accounting systems.

    In order to get detailed advice and clarify the cost of voluntary audit services, please send us a commercial inquiry.